In 2050, we are expected to have 320,000 inhabitants. In order to be able to grow so strongly and at the same time sustainably, Uppsala municipality, Region Uppsala and the state have signed an agreement that enables new residential areas and businesses in an environment that is connected in a reinforced transport infrastructure.
The government's long-term support will strengthen Uppsala's attractiveness in the region and as a place to live.
We plan, build new and rebuild existing neighborhoods in our urban and rural communities. The focus is on sustainable change. Together we strive to offer the residents of Uppsala equal, safe and good social living conditions.
In Uppsala we provide a strong innovation support system that caters to the business sector, as well as associations and the public sector.
A range of different contributors – the municipality, the universities, the business sector, business development advisors, and non-profit organisations – together help researchers, students, innovators, entrepreneurs and start-ups to succeed.
We have an ambitious action plan to create sustainable development with 2,000 new companies per year, of which at least 70% are in the private sector.
New companies, growth in existing and new established businesses create a basis for a good economy in the municipality.
We work together - dialog, cooperation and support are in Uppsala's business DNA.
The overall goal is to be a role model and good business partner to the business community. We want you as a company to succeed
Business and entrepreneurship (Swedish)
Read more about the climate protocol (Swedish)
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018-727 00 00 (kommunens kontaktcenter, öppet vardagar 8.00–17.00, torsdagar 8.00–18.00)
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