Kakor (cookies)

Kakor på uppsala.se

Vi använder nödvändiga kakor (cookies) för att webbplatsen ska fungera.

Vi skulle vilja sätta lite fler kakor för olika funktioner som hjälper dig som användare.
Vi vill också sätta kakor för statistik så vi kan analysera och förbättra webbplatsen.
Du kan när du vill ändra dina inställningar.

Temporary personal number

Fill in information about all family members.

Enter the entire personal identity number for family members who already have a Swedish personal identity number.


Legal guardian 1

Gender (obligatoriskt)
Additional legal guardians? (obligatoriskt)
Address legal guardian 2
Gender (obligatoriskt)
The same address as legal guardian 1 (obligatoriskt)
Address legal guardian 2
Information about the child

Child 1

Gender (obligatoriskt)
The child has the same address as guardian 1 (obligatoriskt)
Address child 1
Do you wish to apply for a second child? (obligatoriskt)
Child 2
The child has the same address as legal guardian 1 (obligatoriskt)
Address child 2
Do you wish to apply for a third child? (obligatoriskt)
Child 3
Gender (obligatoriskt)
The child has the same address as legal guardian 1 (obligatoriskt)
Address child 3
Do you want to apply for a fourth child? (obligatoriskt)
Child 4
Gender (obligatoriskt)
The child has the same address as legal guardian 1 (obligatoriskt)
Address child 4
Is the family asylum seeker? (obligatoriskt)
Is the child in Sweden due to Tempo­rary Protec­tion Directive? (obligatoriskt)

Uppsala Municipality processes personal data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The Education Committee is responsible for handling your personal data in this form.

We collect information to manage the application for a temporary personal identity number. We do this based on the legal basis of public authority.

We process and store the information in accordance with the Public Access to Information and Secrecy Act and the Archives Act.

If you wish to access the information we have stored about you, you can request an extract from the register. You have the right to receive the information within 30 days. 

If you believe that we are processing your personal data in violation of data protection legislation, you can file a complaint with the Swedish Data Protection Authority.

Formuläret kunde inte skickas. Försök igen om en liten stund.