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  1. Summary

    Here you can find information about how you who have recently arrived in Sweden apply for school and preschool.

    Due to the war in Ukraine there is information at Uppsala.se regarding the process of applying for a residence permit or asylum.

    Information for people coming from Ukraine to Uppsala

  2. Registration for school or preschool

    As a new arrival who has been in Sweden less than four years, you need to register with the admissions office for new arrivals when applying for school in Uppsala. Do this by visiting the admissions office or submit a filled-out registration form.

    If you are looking for a preschool or school and have come to Uppsala from Ukraine under the Mass Refugee Directive, you need to have contacted the Swedish Migration Agency before registering at the admissions office, but you do not need a decision from the Swedish Migration Agency to start the process.

    Registration form (PDF, 273 KB)

    Our admissions office

    Our admissions office is located in City Hall (Stadshuset) on Stadshusgatan 2. When you visit us for the first time, we will start the process of applying for preschool or school. We will book an appointment with you to assess your language, need and previous schooling. If you require an interpreter for the interview, we will arrange one.

    Please bring your residence card or your LMA-card if you have one. If you are not registered with the Swedish Tax Agency as living in Uppsala, you might be required to show a housing contract.

    File the registration form

    Send us the filled-out registration form via email or print it and send it by mail. Please take care to fill in all requested information. Note that we need your current address and phone number so we can contact you. For asylum seekers it is very important to include the dossier number that can be found on the LMA-card.

  3. Interview and application

    During the interview we will talk about your current level of knowledge and future requirements to make sure that you are given the appropriate schooling. You will be given the opportunity to choose a school. An interpreter can be present if necessary.

    • When applying to school from junior class to grade 3, the official will help with the school application during the interview. In this age group you will be placed in a class with Swedish speaking students.
    • When applying to school from grade 4 to 9, the official will help with an application for a preparatory class (FBK). In the preparatory class the focus is on learning Swedish.
    • For youths wanting to go to upper secondary school the official will inform you about the different choices you have during the interview. Then you will be places in a language introduction class (SPRINT) or, depending on the situation, be referred to other options like upper secondary programmes or adult education.
  4. Schools with English-language instruction

    Three schools offer instruction in Swedish and English, or only in English. If you want your child to attend one of these schools, please contact the school directly for more information. You should still submit a registration form to our admissions office.

    Internationella Engelska skolan 

    Internationella Engelska skolan - Swedish curriculum

    To Internationella Engelska skolan

    Kvarngärdesskolan – Uppsala International School

    English class – instruction only in English, BLIC – Swedish curriculum

    To Kvarngärdesskolan

    Uppsala International School (UIS)

    Not the Swedish curriculum, fee is charged per term

    To Uppsala International School

  5. Youths older than 18

    Do you have a residence permit and are about to turn 20 years old? During the spring term of the year you turn 20 you have the opportunity to start a language introduction programme. After that point you will be referred to adult education. Read more about adult education (in Swedish only).

    If you are an asylum seeker and older than 18 you do not have the possibility to apply to a language introduction programme (SPRINT). However, if you started the programme before you turned 18 you can continue your education.

    If SPRINT is not an option for you, there are courses at different study associations, and other organisations where adult asylum seekers can learn Swedish.

    Find courses at Folkuniversitetet.

    Read about the language café at the Red cross (in Swedish only).

    Youths that fulfil the requirements can apply to an upper secondary school national programme. Apply to a national programme.

    If you want to study sfi (Swedish for immigrants), vocational- or adult education, contact the adult education office. More information about adult education.

  6. Contact

    Contact the admissions office for new arrivals for preschool and school


    New open hours for visits from February 5, 2024
    Monday: 9.00–11.30
    Wednesday: 13.00-16.00

    We have no telephone call from February 5, so please refer to our e-mail or Kontakt Center.




    Visiting address:

    City Hall (Stadshuset) on Stadshusgatan 2

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